

ping: 测试延迟

tracert: trace route (Windows), *为timeout/不允许探测,显示三次响应时间。

Time to transmit all data through transmission line: $t_l = \frac{10 \times 7G}{1Gbps} = 70 s$

The distance that the dog can travel in the same time period: $D_d = 72 km/h \times 70s = 20m/s \times 70s = 1400m$

The dog has a higher data rate than a transmission line iff the time that the dog used is less than the transmission line. According to the formula $time = \frac{distance}{speed}$. The speed is a constant, so that $time$ and $distance$ has a positive proportion. That is, the distance should shorter than $D_d$.

Therefore, the range of distance that Bernie have a higher data rate than a transmission line is $(0, 1400m)$.